Undisturbed nights sleep is our main source of regeneration and recovery. These audio app shows you...
Undisturbed nights sleep is our main source of regeneration and recovery. These audio app shows you what you can do to improve your quality of sleep, fall asleep easier and stay asleep better.The four imaginary journeys in this app ( "Better sleep 1-4") help you, body and mind to relax effectively and to calm down.In addition, youll find the audio course this app useful tips on topics such as sleep hygiene, Bedtime, relaxation techniques or herbal sleep aids.So it falls easier for you to find the restful, natural sleep you need to stay healthy and fit.For not being able to sleep properly, is a devastating experience. During the day we have to be awake and powerful. This is far from easy if we lack the recovery, which provides an undisturbed, healthy nights sleep.There are many different reasons why you can not sleep, or sleep. Sometimes the "thoughts carousel" just will not come to rest, and we can not turn off. Also diseases, problems at work or in the family, shift work, an unfavorable designed daily routine, lack of exercise, smoking, alcohol, snoring or poor diet may play a role.Sleep problems are always a very individual matter, and sometimes it takes time to figure out how they come about.We developed this audio course to facilitate your way to restful nights sleep. We use among other imaginary journeys - a relaxation technique that can be very effective, for example, to thoughts that keep you awake, hide and go into a deep state of relaxation. As fantasy journeys to work, we will tell you in the course of the audio course.The advantage of imagination travel, that they bring about a relaxation response, wherein the organ systems of the body switch in a resting and regeneration mode. This falling asleep can be greatly facilitated.However, there are many causes of sleep problems, and some where you should seek medical help. Sleep problems may also indicate a health problem that belongs in the hands of a doctor or therapist. Then it would make little sense to rely solely on a "self-treatment" with fantasy journeys. When this is the case, you will experience during the audio course.We hope that this audio course and fantasy journeys help you to find a natural, undisturbed sleep.The first lessons of the audio course are free. Try to rest off for you whether the app can help you fall asleep. The remaining audio lessons can you simply wish the app to unlock (its to no additional download required).Here is the complete list of audio course chapter contained in the full version: "Whats wrong with me?"Why do we need sleep?What happens when you fall asleep?Lack of sleep and episodes of sleep deprivationAn important point: Stay positive and activesee When should you see a doctor: sleep problems?Causes of insomnia and sleep problemsTips to sleep: Your sleep hygieneTips to sleep: MotionTips to sleep: Your EinschlafritualTips to sleep: relaxation techniquesTips to sleep: Herbal sleep aidsTips to sleep: Fantasy TravelFlights of fancy "Better sleep 1"Flights of fancy "Better sleep 2"Flights of fancy "Better sleep 3"Flights of fancy "Better sleep 4"At the end of the journey